Thank you for your interest in serving!
Welcome YPs! Part of what will set our chapter up for success is establishing a strong executive leadership team that can lead our efforts to support the ULPBC, serve the community, and build our YP network!
Completing this form does not equal a confirmed commitment to take on any Executive Leadership Team position. It means you are open to the idea of serving and would like to know more about how to be involved!
Upon submission of this form, we will connect with you and help you determine what your YP leadership experience will look like!
ELIGIBILITY: To be a member of a ULPBC-YP to hold an Executive Leadership Team (ELT) position, you must be an active and current member. If you are inactive, you can visit the ULPBC-YP membership application page here.
Positions of interest descriptions:
Chapter President
- Presides over and conducts all meetings in accordance with the parliamentary procedure
- Keeps the member’s discussion to the subject at hand and within time limits
- Appoints committee chairs and serves on committees except for the nominating committee as a non-voting member
- Represents the chapter at all functions; coordinates the activities of the chapter by keeping in touch with other officers, the membership, and the ULPBC
- Keeps him/herself informed to ensure that the chapter is moving according to its program of activities, and makes public appearances, including speaking engagements, on behalf of the chapter
- Prepares and reads the minutes of meetings; sends out and posts meeting notices
- Prepares the agenda for each meeting available for the president; reads communications at meetings
- Counts and records votes when taken; attends to official correspondence; keeps permanent records; and maintains a Secretary’s Record, including pertinent documents concerning the Executive Committee (Board) business
- Handle official correspondence of the organization by writing letters as needed or as directed by officers and by keeping files of incoming and outgoing correspondence
- When composing and preparing letters, the secretary should be careful to follow the accepted rules and practices of business correspondence
- Administers and is responsible for the chapter’s funds
- Keeps financial records in order and up to date
- Prepares an annual budget
- Keep a permanent, up-to-the-minute record of all financial transactions
- Keep a record of all received monies following accepted fiscal procedures.
- Record all expenses, noting the date and the party to whom the money was paid
- Obtain and keep a copy of all receipts in the permanent records
- Be prepared to report the financial status of the chapter at any regular meeting
- Submit financial reports to the Chapter President and ULPBC President & CEO at least 7 days after the prior month’s closing for review, before submitting them to the General Body
Marketing & Membership Strategist
- Identify and develop new recruitment or promotional avenues to raise awareness of the Club in the wider community
- Create membership & YP event marketing materials, both digital and printed
- Plan events and activities for existing and prospective members.
- Handle all questions, information requests, and complaints regarding membership
- Maintain and update membership records
- Assist with member communication activities
- Track membership statistics, and provide updates during YP leadership meetings
- Develop and implement strategies to recruit new members
- Coordinating with the accounting department to track membership revenue