In recent months, students in Urban League of Palm Beach County’s youth programs took part in many activities to broaden their education and career goals as well as improve the communities they live in.
Here’s some highlights:
– Our Summer Teen Engagement Program youth participated in employability skills workshops. They gained resume building, soft skills development, social responsibility, and financial literacy training. In addition, youth participated in mock interviews in which they demonstrated skills learned throughout our workshop series. An Employer Orientation was also held for organizations hosting interns to provide program expectations and procedures.
– On May 30, 2023 we held our first ever combined Induction Ceremony with our End of the Year Celebration with all current and future National Achievers Society students. During this ceremony families celebrated accomplishments such as state-wide Brain Bowl Competition winners from the Palm Beach County team (1st place and 3rd place winners), Achiever of the Year, and Parent of the Year. In addition, we had the privilege of hearing the story of successful perseverance shared by Keynote Speaker, Schnelle Tonge (Chief of Client Services Division).
– On May 27, nine youth participated in mock interviews conducted by ULPBC staff and community partners. For several of the youth, this mock interview served as their first exposure to job interviews. Prior to mock interviews, many teens were nervous about making a good impression and answering questions. Following the interviews, youth Vinny expressed to the Youth Engagement Coordinator: “I was really nervous and felt myself talking fast and not really making sense, so I did like you told me and paused after questions to calm myself.” Based on interviewer’s feedback, all youth demonstrated good interview skills and are prepared for entry-level work experience.
– We were proud to accept and induct six new youth into our National Achievers Society this spring. They represented Dreyfoos School of the Arts, Roosevelt Middle School, Suncoast Community High School, Polo Park Middle School, and Emerald Cove Middle School.
– In the month of May, we celebrated the successes of seven of our seniors who will be heading off to various colleges/universities such as Florida Southern College, University of Florida, University of Central Florida, Oakwood University, and Florida A&M University. They will be pursuing majors such as Computer Science, Occupational Therapy, Biology/Pre-Med, Pediatric Psychiatry, Biochemistry, and Music/Vocal Performance. These seniors pursued scholarships with tenacity to assist with paying for college. They were awarded scholarships from various entities/scholarship providers such as NextEra, Community Foundation, PBSO Foundation, and George Snow.
– The four ambitious students in our Case Competition chose the theme, “Reclaim the Space” to combat gang violence in their community. They tackled research to back up their initiative by including statistics, qualitative and quantitative data. Their suggested solutions to gang violence in Palm Beach County included creating a social media app titled, “Reclaim the Space” as a safe space to report gang activity and make positive choices. The application “space” would be student led and also provide a support system for gang members within schools to receive assistance with leaving the “gang life behind.”