The Urban League of Palm Beach County extends a special thank you to all our corporate partners for supporting our 51st Annual Equal Opportunity Day Awards Gala on Friday, May 10th at the Palm Beach Convention Center. The event was a huge success, and we are deeply grateful for your contributions.
We also express our heartfelt gratitude to Marc H. Morial, President & CEO of the National Urban League, for his eloquent and timely speech.
To our four honorees, we salute you and commend your remarkable achievements in serving underserved communities across Palm Beach County:
- Deborah Caplan, Lifetime Achievement Honoree
- Tammy Jackson-Moore, Trailblazer Achievement Honoree
- Kaden Balfour, Youth Achievement Honoree
- Elizabeth Woody, Alfred J. Malefatto Humanitarian Honoree
Thank you for your dedication and impact on our community.