

Vaccine Equity

Partnering for Vaccine Equity Campaign, Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The National Urban League, in partnership with the National Action Network, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, and the United States Centers for Disease Control, have united to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic by helping our communities become informed about the vaccines and empowered to make the best decisions for them, their family and their communities.

This campaign will demonstrate how the Urban League locally and nationally, have paved the way for past, present and future advancement of Black communities, and how the coronavirus is no match for the success that the Black community realizes, each time it comes together, to fight a common adversary.


Extensive research shows pervasive hesitancy and reluctance around the COVID-19 vaccines among the American public, with many Americans having significant questions. A widespread “wait and see” mindset could create a significant public health challenge for the country. 

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is highly complex, with many factors coming into play, including fear, distrust, confusion, misinformation and complacency. Concerns about safety and side effects from COVID-19 vaccinations, driven by the speed of the clinical development process and the vaccines’ novelty; lack of knowledge; and distrust in the political and economic motives of the government and corporations are top of mind for some Americans. 

Despite over 130 million Americans who have received at least one dose,  50% of the general public falls into the “movable middle,” —they want to know if the vaccines are safe—and that the benefits outweigh the risk.  Their attitudes range from skeptical to open but uncertain. This low confidence is linked to significant gaps in trust—and those gaps are more pronounced among Black Americans and Hispanics who have also been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.