

Food Pantry

We offer food assistance.

The Urban League of Palm Beach County partners with CROS ministries to help families with emergency and short-term food assistance.


Receive a bag of food, twice monthly, of non-perishable items to prepare a minimum of 12 meals for a family of three.  Fresh and frozen meats and vegetables are provided when available.

Target population and participation requirements

  • Any person wanting or needing food within designated food pantry location
  • Photo identification


Urban League Community Empowerment Center
2107 North Tamarind Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Open on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 9:30 am until 11:00 am.


Joan Kennedy at (561) 833-1461 ext. 3024 or email:

To further support us

Our programs rely on contributions from our community.

If you are able to donate to the Urban League of Palm Beach County, please do so here. If you are able to volunteer for our programs or at our events, contact us here

Thank you!